Kidneys are made up of millions of tiny filters. Kidneys clean the blood and make urine.
Kidneys Removes Waste – Balance Body Fluids- Control Blood Pressure – Make Red Blood Cells and keeps Bone Healthy. When Dialysis fails, these functions have to be replaced by Dialysis + Diet + Medication.
Symptoms of Organ(Kidney Dysfunction):
- Sickness, Confused and Nauseous when kidneys cannot remove wastes.
- Tired and Breathing problems and have swelling when kidney cannot Balance Body Fluid
What is Dialysis?
Dialysis is mechanism which does a function of Kidney: It uses membrane inside your body called “Peritoneum”. The Peritoneum forms a sac inside body. In Peritoneal Dialysis, this sac is filled with special solution, which comes in flexible bags.
Understand Dialysis and its Types:
For filling in and draining out the solution, you need to have a catheter. This catheter is a soft tube made up of special rubber. The Catheter is placed in the peritoneum by small surgical procedure. It is made up of silicon rubber which does not react with anything. It has two Decron Cuffs which holds it in place inside body.
The peritoneum has holes and rich blood supply which works like filter and cleans the blood. The wall of Peritoneum has “Pores” and “Holes”. It has lot of blood vessels around it. The wall separates the blood from solution, the “holes” allow small particles to pass through. The waste products pass from Blood into Dialysis solution through Peritoneum. This process is called as Diffusion i.e It is like everything tries to go from more crowded to less crowded place. Waste products are more crowded in the blood, so they pass into dialysis solution through the peritoneum.
The solution has sugar: Dextrose or Glucose in it. It is nature of Glucose to attract water. The extra water in blood is pulled out by glucose which is called as “Osmosis”. Osmosis is caused by glucose dissolved in dialysis solution.
The solution of Glucose or Dextrose comes in bags with normally different concentration i.e. 3.86%,2.27% and 1.36%. The same termed as Strong, Medium and Small. The stronger bag removes more water from the blood. High percentage denotes more strength.
This removal process of water from blood stops after few hours. Both the sides (blood and Solution) equally crowded. No waste can pass from blood into dialysis solution. The glucose leaves the solution and goes into blood by diffusion over period of time as it can no longer remove waste from blood. Hence, after few hours, you have to drain out the old solution and fill it in new solution to start cleaning process all over again.
Exchange Process: The following situation leads to draining of Old Solution and filling of New solution and is called exchange. Doctors shall prescribe number of exchanges you need to do in agricultural day.
When you do all exchanges on time, dialysis is taking place continuously, which is just like functioning of KIDNEYS.
CAPD: This is methodology wherein you do Dialysis yourself. You are free between
CCPD: The machine does it for you while you sleep.
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